Monday, October 1, 2007


this stillness upon thi shoulders gives thee 1 simple wish this wishes that the day soon be long upon night that thi shall speek to tho once more till then thee speakest of nothing to thee is only dreaming of when tho should speakest once more of once be know that i shall be a candle-waster for no i to convince this task of drinking only the poison that will keep me only in a pleasent dream with a cold drowsy humor with no pulse yet still alive as thi ever to be the still time its self could not take thee away from earth and yet wishes it shall as it thinks it needs to for the need shall get what it wants and the want shall get what it needs but in time i will speakest to tho once more for other wize i shall have no perpose of wakeing to the dreadfull sun instead of the heavenly moon this sightless does now and forever make a blissful wish that tho wilt not be up again but sadly i must return to my sleeping chamber for another dull affect of sightless non-sence i will only dream of the time we speak again

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